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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care

An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on advances in research in HIV, its clinical progression and management options including antiviral treatment, palliative care and public healthcare policies to control viral spread.

For specific topics covered in this journal please see the Aims and Scope.

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Article Processing Statistics:

17 From submission of manuscript to first editorial decision (including peer-review)

31 From editorial acceptance to publication

New worm species

Living whales may seem scarce in the world's vast oceans—and their carcasses even more rare. But to animals and bacteria that feed on these graveyards, they are a rich source of life. And to one doctoral researcher in Sweden, they proved to be a source of several new species.

In her dissertation for the University of Gothenburg, Helena Wiklund describes nine new species of polychaete worms found living in whale carcasses and other nutrient-rich areas off the coast of Sweden, Norway and California.

A whale carcass can bring as much nutrition to the seafloor as would otherwise take some 2,000 years to filter down. Wiklund and her coauthors note that although the worms seem to be especially adapted to live in environments such as whale falls, where they feed off the bacteria that cover the bones, they seem to also be thriving in bacteria-rich areas of waste resulting from human activity, such as below fish farms and even pulp mills.

Male circumcision

Male circumcision 'may protect women against cervical cancer'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:20 AM on 18th December 2008

Men who have been circumcised gain double protection against AIDS and the virus that causes cervical cancer in women, research shows.

Three new studies show that circumcision reduces the risk of both sexually transmitted infections in men and possibly their future sexual partners.

The reports, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, will fuel the debate over whether men - and newborn boys - should be circumcised.

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The ProClinica Experience

Mel Snyder founded ProClinica, an international medical marketing communications company in 1975, after starting his career at Burson-Marsteller and Medcom. ProClinica quickly developed a world-wide reputation for its unique sales-supportive educational/promotional programs: Sponsored CME programs, sales training programs, sales aids, journal advertising and professional/public relations programs.

ProClinica's clients and their best-remembered products include NEN/DuPont Imaging (thallium-201 imaging), Cutter Laboratories (Intralipid), Boots Laboratories (Synthroid, E-Mycin), and Campbell Soup (Intelligent Quisine).

For additional information please visit

AIDS – official journal OF THE IAS

In order to supply our members with state-of-the-art information on topics related to HIV and AIDS, the IAS has adopted AIDS as its official journal.

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Publishing the very latest ground breaking research on HIV and AIDS, this outstanding journal continues to lead the field. Read by all the top clinicians and researchers, AIDS has one of the highest impacts of all AIDS-related journals.

AIDS publishes comprehensive reviews of the most significant advances commissioned from world experts and authoritative WHO-UNAIDS reports. With a Fast Track procedure for priority papers, you will see all the important work your colleagues are involved with in the shortest time possible.

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  • Basic and clinical science
  • Epidemiology
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AIDS is distributed directly from the publishing company, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW). The subscription is of calendar year - 1 January-31 December. For more information, please visit the AIDS website.

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