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Thursday, June 25, 2009

New CDC HIV Report

New CDC HIV Report Presents Unclear Picture, But Suggests Names Reporting, Testing Are Working

In response to the release of the Centers for Disease Control's latest HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report earlier today, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which operates the largest community-based alternative HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing program in California, conducting more that 15,000 tests annually, noted that the CDC's surveillance report, which covers data from 2007, presents an unclear overall picture of the nation's epidemic, but elements in the report suggest that names reporting of HIV cases and more pro-active testing appear to be working.

According to the report, there was a 15% increase in new cases of HIV/AIDS infections in 2007 (38,531 in 2006; 44,084 in 2007). From 2003 through 2006 this number was stable at roughly 38,000. The report cites new HIV reporting regulations in states and increased testing as the reasons for the increase, but does not rule out that it may be due to an increase in new HIV infections. Also of note in the report, the percentage of 'late testers', those individuals who progressed to AIDS diagnosis less than 12 months after their HIV diagnosis, has dropped slightly to 36% from 39%.

"This latest CDC data suggests that names reporting and more pro-active testing outreach are having a positive effect on surveillance, but we still have a long way to go to get a real handle on the full scale of the epidemic here in the US," said Michael Weinstein, President of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. "This report should serve as a two-pronged call to action: those states that are reporting data by name need to do more, as they will save money and improve health outcomes of their citizens by reducing infections; those states that are not doing so must get with the program on both reporting and increased testing. There is no excuse not to-the health and money benefits are tangible, and no privacy issue has materialized to date."

"During the CDC's community conference call announcing the release of the report today, there were numerous explanations offered as to the reasons why HIV continues to be on the rise-except for a frank acknowledgement that HIV IS actually rising in certain populations," said Mindy Middleton, Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for AIDS Healthcare Foundation's Public Health Division. "Clearly men that have sex with men and communities of color are disproportionately being affected by HIV. This report should have been a call to action rather than dismissing the data. There needs to be a national shift in our thinking around HIV prevention. Those people who are HIV positive must have access to testing and know their status. There are many uncertainties when addressing people's sexual behaviors but the one thing we know for sure-HIV testing, detection and linkage to medical care works."

About AHF

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is the US' largest HIV/AIDS organization. AHF currently provides treatment, care and support services to more than 95,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean and Asia.

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