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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

estimated that about 4 million people

It is estimated that about 4 million people in the United States are infected with hepatitis C, which is about 2% of the population. This makes hepatitis C much more common than HIV infection. There is an estimated 200 million people infected with HCV world wide.

And then there is Hepatitis B, a more readily transmitted virus which is rapidly becoming an monumental epidemic. Some facts bout Hepatitis B:

* 2 billion people have been infected with HCB (1 out of 3 people).
* 400 million people are chronically infected.
* 10-30 million will become infected each year.
* An estimated 1 million people die each year from hepatitis B and its complications.
* Approximately 2 people die each minute from hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C and B have been compared to a “viral time bomb”.

Apparently on the 19th May 2009 a few days prior the exact Jupiter Chiron Neptune conjunction the countries of the world celebrate “World Hepatitis Day”. Lets hope that the news is good and that the World Health Organisation announces research advancements in the fight against our many diseases and viral threats. God forbid that Swine Flu has any chance of advancing in the world.

The three major planetary bodies of Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune are highlighting the nature of our Global health. The conjunction is operating in “unseeable” or collective frameworks. One could say that our world is not in good shape presently. The stress from our global financial recession, our environmental issues and the threats of disease are major underlying themes that we cannot ignore in our lives. The question is how will we help reduce the stress in the face of our current realities? Society has tended to use drugs and alcohol and even take spiritual avenues to quell the stresses of too much reality. I cant see those options changing in the near future.

Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune are co joining to highlight our global health predicaments. The Cosmos usually throws something at us so that we sit up and take notice.

Our World is in a state of ill-health it seems – hopefully the Doctor is on his way?


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