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Sunday, August 2, 2009

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Getting yer’ Agile on at a discount: Upcoming course

May 12, 2009 by homebrutrout

Come on out and join us to drink the agile kool-aid, take your agile medicine, learn what agile can do for your team or organization, or have a skills refresher for experienced agile practitioners.
Dave Bouwman and myself will be collaborating to give a one day Agile Project Management training seminar on Friday, June 26, 2009 near Denver, CO. This course will cover both project management practices and development/engineering practices. We’ll begin with an introduction to agile practices and rapidly progress to specific methodology examples (Scrum), cover roles and responsibilities, project controls, and how to scale the agile process in your organization. In addition, we’ll introduce specific software development processes that mesh well with the agile process including automation for code documentation and unit testing, design patterns, refactoring tools, and automated builds and continuous integration. Throughout the course we’ll give you specific examples, the good, the bad, and the ugly, from our own experiences using the methodology in our shop.
Traditionally, this is a course for which DTSAgile typically charges $1200 per student. However, through the fine folks at Rocky Mountain URISA, you can join us for this course at a very steep discount. Cost for URISA members is $135 and the cost for non-members is still only $150. What does that mean to you? Well, if you live in the continental US (and some places in Canada) you can attend one of our Agile training seminars including plane fare and hotel for less than we typically charge for the course. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a very good deal. If you’re in Colorado, particularly the Greater Denver region, it’s a no brainer. But it’s still a steal even if you need to travel in from points afar.

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